3. februar 2019

Off to a flying start!

At BEST OF Palma, we hope that you've kicked off 2019 flying high - every bit as much as we have. We've taken off into 2019 with great expectations and ambitions, which we've every intention of letting you in on - by allowing you insights into the many new initiatives in our pipeline. We may not reach all our goals during 2019, but we're continuously working on something good. Not to say better. Or even BEST.  

BEST OF Palma has been received very positively, and we're both extremely pleased and grateful for that. We've not yet decided which exact development needs we should address as regards the continuous improvements of the portal in 2019, because we get so many new impulses and ideas all the time that we'd very much like to move on quickly, so as to have them reach you and make BEST OF Palma even better. Some things, though, are already fixed: We want to expand the palette of initiatives so that you get even more exciting information, meet even more interesting people and get to know even more profiles, each of whom characterizes and has a profound affect on the everyday vibe and pulse of Mallorca.

Blossoming ideas and creative thoughts

We're very excited about the new initiative BEST MOMENTS, which we headlined briefly in our newsletter #1 in 2019, and which you're likely to have highlighted in much greater detail already in newsletter #2 in February. We also work to expand the BEST OF*fer concept, so that you'll regularly get the opportunity to try and experience something new, getting a personal discount from BEST OF Palma as a way for us to say 'thank you' for your support and trust.

Already in January, we included a number of short profile reviews from the hospitality industry, all of which to a large extent paint a strong picture of Palmallorca's vibrant culinary scene - just as we also uploaded a number of hotels and luxury accommodations, initially with the island capital as our focal area. Additional short profile reviews and complete company profiles are continuously added to the BEST OF Palma business index, and we're committed to ensuring that new industries will follow, so that overall company register will cover the Palmallorca map ever more widely and deeply. 

Everything we do has one primary goal: To make it easier and faster for you to find exactly the information you're looking for and need - while, at the same time, establishing a dynamic, easily accessible and intuitive platform for businesses and cultural institutions to use for passing on their information and news. 

Everything else - the 'not-so-planned' and more spontaneous

But regardless of how many plans, graphs and mood boards we make, it's not everything we try to structure at BEST OF Palma. Some of our thoughts and new features arise during the spontaneous and creative everyday interaction at the office, where the close connection with you - existing and new customers, business partners, readers and other interested parties - plays a key role. The conversations and meetings with you give us many unique ideas to pursue, and to make every effort to realize.

We aim for many of these ideas to emerge during 2019 and beyond. We aim every bit as much to get you excited and involved in the process via regular updates on Facebook, Instagram and through our newsflashes. Feel free to always contact us; you're the reason we're here. 

We wish you, your family and loved-ones + the entire Palmallorca community an exciting and positive 2019!

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