9. december 2019

BEST OF Palma's newsflash #11 in 2019

The final BEST OF Palma newsflash in 2019, including loads of Xmas gift ideas, news and events just hit the streets!

As always, newsflash #11 carries a wealth of stories, news from our profile customers and island signature events + much, much more that you may also find elsewhere on this site as separate stories. And most importantly: BEST OF Palma's newsflash #11 highlights and brings news of our virtual Xmas calendar, featuring all our prominent customers and their suggestions for the very BEST OF Xmas presents. 

We simply cannot help but ooze of all the wonder and joy of the upcoming holidays!

So happy reading! And a very merry Xmas!

... and please remember: 

We’ll be so happy if you SUBSCRIBE + LIKE and SHARE both here and on social media to help spread the word!

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