20. februar 2019

A word of caution in early Spring

At this particular time of year, a word of caution from CLINICA VETERINARIA BENDINAT regarding the so-called 'processionarias del pino':  

The hairy, professionaria caterpillars

Although they're not aggressive creatures, they must be said to have developed a very good defense system, if disturbed! Each caterpillar has about 500,000 hairs or darts which are sharp at both ends and tipped with barbs and a poison! These can be fired into the air around the caterpillar and spread in the wind, meaning that we can be affected even if we don't touch them. 

What effects can they have?

These hairs / darts are very effective at sticking in and attaching to clothes, skin and even eyes! In the skin, they can cause a severe irritation, which can last for several days. The worst scenario can be seen if we get them in our eyes. They can cause very bad reactions which can quickly lead to secondary infections. In very serious cases, people have lost an eye; however, fortunately, this very rarely happens. 

Because the caterpillars spend most of their lives in the trees, they rarely cause problems. However, problems may occur in Spring when they descend from the trees to bury themselves in the ground. Thus, this is the time of year when our dogs can come in contact with them. They may sniff them, play with them - or even worse: Pick them up in their mouths. The signs involve swelling of the face. If the tongue or throat is involved, there can be massive swelling with fatal consequences. If they survive the rare, nasty case of mouth infections, there can be necrosis, dying of parts of the tongue. 

What can be done?

Obviously, it's best to keep well away from the nests or avoid the woods during Spring time. However, if owners or animals are exposed, seek vet / medical treatment immediately. It may be a good idea to carry human antihistamines with you, to be taken rapidly by you or your dog, if signs appear - and then seek vet / medical advice as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions regarding the processionaria caterpillars, please feel free to contact CLINICA VETERINARIA BENDINAT.

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